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After first down, after incomplete pass, when player goes out of bounds a timeout

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12y ago

Even after a penalty, the clock stops only when the play is over.

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15y ago

25 seconds

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15y ago

Yes they do

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Q: When does basketball clock stop?
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What are the clock operators main responcabilities in basketball?

Timekeeper an official appointed to time regulate , and record the duration of a sports contest or its components parts , as to give the official time of an announce to basketball teams the amount of time left to play .

How is basketball timed?

a shot clock

How much time on the shot clock is needed to get off a shot in basketball?

Players in the NBA have a 24-second grace period from the shot clock to get off a shot clock. In college basketball, the shot clock limit is 35 seconds.

Why is the shot clock different for men's basketball vs women's basketball?

OS boy's are better

How many seconds in a high school girl27s shot clock?

there is no shot clock in high school basketball

What time do you go to basketball?

6-7 O-clock

What rule change revolutionized the game of basketball?

The shot clock.

Boys high school has how many seconds for shot clock?

There is no shot clock for boys high school basketball

Should high school basketball implement a shot clock?


What happens if a uniform is not worn correctly on a basketball game?

the ref. will tell you, and then he will stop the clock till you fix it, or your coach will sub you off you will fix your uniform and sub you back on, so nothing really

Do all college basketball divisions use the shot clock?

In the NCAA there's a shot clock, as for others, I don't know.

What is the lowest scoring college basketball game before the shot clock era and in the shot clock era?
