After first down, after incomplete pass, when player goes out of bounds a timeout
Timekeeper an official appointed to time regulate , and record the duration of a sports contest or its components parts , as to give the official time of an announce to basketball teams the amount of time left to play .
a shot clock
Players in the NBA have a 24-second grace period from the shot clock to get off a shot clock. In college basketball, the shot clock limit is 35 seconds.
OS boy's are better
there is no shot clock in high school basketball
6-7 O-clock
The shot clock.
There is no shot clock for boys high school basketball
the ref. will tell you, and then he will stop the clock till you fix it, or your coach will sub you off you will fix your uniform and sub you back on, so nothing really
In the NCAA there's a shot clock, as for others, I don't know.