Hit by the pitch, sacrifice, base on balls and I believe catcher's interference
Yes it does count
No, walks do not count as an at-bat.
Anytime a batter is walked it does not count as an at bat
Any type of sacrifice, walk, or hit by pitch does not count as an at bat.
Yes, only things that don't count as at bats are walks, hbp or if a baserunner gets thrown out before your at bat is completed.
A fly ball that advances a runner from second to third is not counted as a sacrifice fly, and it does count as an at bat. Unless a runner scores on a fly ball, the batter is charged with an at bat.
Count Fabulous is Draculaura's pet. It is a "he" and he's a bat. Hope this helps! >_<
A sub is put in for the injured player...the at bat is continued by the sub and begins his at bat with a one strike count......Anytime during an "AT BAT" the batter can be substituted for but the sub comes to bat with whatever the ball/strike count was of the player he replaced.
It is considered in a way, being you are in the batter's box. But the average of what you do with the swing of the bat is what counts in hits while in the box and in RBIs.
No, a sacrifice does not count as a hit nor as a time at bat. There is a special statistic kept for sacrifices.