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as soon as you step foot inside the lane as soon as you step foot inside the lane

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14y ago

Three seconds in the key is when and offensive player stands in the key for 3 seconds, the result is loss of possesion

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Press the function key to enter the time mode. Press and hold the function key for 3 seconds to enter the setting mode. While the "hour" digits are flashing, press the function key to set the hour (each press moves forward 1 hour). When the hour is set, press on the function key for 3 seconds until the "minute" digits start flashing. Press the function key to set the minutes. When the minute is set, press on the function key for 3 seconds until the "month" digits start flashing. Press the function key to set the month. When the month is set, press on the function key for 3 seconds until the "day" digits start flashing. Press the function key to set the day. Release the function key for 30 seconds to exit the setting mode.

What is the number of seconds allowed in the key on offense?

3 Seconds

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NO. When your done with the job. Just turn the key on for 3 to 4 seconds. Then turn key OFF for 5 seconds then back on again for 3 to 4 seconds. Repeat all steps again and then start the engine, It will be PRIMED then. Good to go.

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The penalty is 3 seconds in the key.

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Step 1: Add gas. The more the better. Step 2: Turn key to on position. Hold for 2-3 seconds. Then turn key to start position. Step 3: If it doesn't start, turn key to off position for 5 seconds, and then repeat step 2. Depending on how much gas is now in the tank you may need to repeat step 2-3 5 to 6 times.

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It means you can't be in the key for three seconds

How do you program a transponder key 2004 Buick?

1. Insert an existing programmed working key into the ignition cylinder. 2. Turn ignition to the ON position for 5 seconds, then back to OFF position. 3. Remove the existing key and within 5 seconds insert new key and turn it to the ON positiion for 5 seconds. 4. Turn key OFF then back to ON. The key is now programmed. Start vehicle to test key.

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1. Insert an existing programmed working key into the ignition cylinder. 2. Turn ignition to the ON position for 5 seconds, then back to OFF position. 3. Remove the existing key and within 5 seconds insert new key and turn it to the ON positiion for 5 seconds. 4. Turn key OFF then back to ON. The key is now programmed. Start vehicle to test key.

How do you program a transponder key for a 2007 Tahoe?

1. Insert an existing programmed working key into the ignition cylinder. 2. Turn ignition to the ON position for 5 seconds, then back to OFF position. 3. Remove the existing key and within 5 seconds insert new key and turn it to the ON positiion for 5 seconds. 4. Turn key OFF then back to ON. The key is now programmed. Start vehicle to test key.

Programming transponder key on 2005 grand prix?

1. Insert an existing programmed working key into the ignition cylinder. 2. Turn ignition to the ON position for 5 seconds, then back to OFF position. 3. Remove the existing key and within 5 seconds insert new key and turn it to the ON positiion for 5 seconds. 4. Turn key OFF then back to ON. The key is now programmed. Start vehicle to test key.

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Just flip key on, wait about 30 seconds then turn key off then count to ten and turn key on again. Repeat this about 3-4 times. Then start the engine.