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The penalty is 3 seconds in the key.

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Q: What is penalty for standing in the key in basketball?
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2 types of penalty in basketball?

Foul and violation.

What shape is the key in basketball?

the shape of the key on a basketball court is a semicircle

How far is top of key of basketball lane?

A team gets penalty in basketball when the other team's member tries to block the shoot of the first team's member just when he starts shooting. The blockage may be done by tapping on the ball or by any means.

How much is a non penalty goal worth in basketball?

2 points

How many points is a basketball penalty goal worth?

One point.

Why is the paint was called the key in basketball?

Because the in international basketball it is the shape of an old style key hole

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What happens if you argue with an official?

Basketball: Technical Foul (Tech) Football: Penalty

When a player gets a foul in basketball does that mean they did something wrong?

In Basketball, a foul, is a penalty for doing something against the rules of the game.

Why is t persition used in basketball?

t persition is a defence standing in basketball. when you defend your opponent you should do it

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What is the penalty of a basketball team in a game if it fielded fifteen players?

None. A basketball team can have as many players as it wants to have, provided that it has enough jerseys.