The earliest footballs used in the US were usually bladders from pigs that were inflated and encased in rubber. In 1876, the Intercollegiate Football Association made changes in the shape and makeup of the football from a round shape encased in rubber to an egg shape encased in leather.
I wore a leather helmet in Jr High School in 1958 but, by around 1960 almost everyone had moved to Wilson or Riddell plastic. Even though the suspension system in the plastic was probably an improvement over the leather helmet, leather seemed to absorb shock better.
Leather helmets made a magical thudding sound in mass line play instead of the clacking sounds that you hear today.
I'll never forget my first experience with a plastic helmet in practice - the crashing sound of plastic to plastic reverberated inside your head and rattled your teeth. The effect was almost as hideous as the clinking sound of aluminum Baseball bats hitting a baseball ball.
And, who could forget that distinctive smell of sweaty leather helmets in the locker room - arriving at practice was almost as fragrant as visiting a cow barn at milking time.
They started to wear pads because some football players started to get hurt so that's why the have to wear pads.- The Lister Answers
The NFL (National Football Leage) did not make the plastic helmets mandatory until the year 1943 because of concussions from the rubber helmets that were used before.
the football players reminisce about there old playing days
They started wearing helmets when a guy got tackled and he got an injury so they decided to make an invention that protects your head from you getting hurt. It's made of hard steel so when you bump into somebody you don't get an injury. That's when they started making helmets......
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A metaphor is a comparison between to nouns without using the words "like" or "as" Ex. The football players stampeded onto the field. Here the football players are being compared to a herd that is stampeding.
Yes. Vegetarians do not eat flesh. The use or purchase of animal products is not restricted under vegetarianism. However, a vegan using leather products may be questionable.
Soccer is a form of football, and in many ways it is the original form. Modern American football developed from another form of the game, called Rugby after the English school where its rules were codified. Beyond using a leather ball, having eleven players to a side and being played on a lined, grassy field, all that soccer and American football now have in common is some terminology, such as "tackle," "off-side," "kick-off" and "full back."
what are the disadvantages of using leather
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Not all gas masks are compatible with helmets, so some soldiers forgo helmets to wear their masks.
around the 70's 80's or 60's somewhere around there