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Joe Montana Football happened in 1991.

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When was Joe Montana Football created?

Joe Montana Football was created in 1991-01.

Who introduced into football?

joe Montana

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Who was the most popular football player?

joe Montana

Who is the best football player of your generation?

Joe Montana

What are the release dates for Joe Montana Football - 1990 - VG?

Joe Montana Football - 1990 - VG was released on: USA: 1990 Japan: 1 March 1991

How long did joe Montana play football for?

15 years

What univesity did Joe Montana play football for?

Notre Dame

Who is the most poular football player ever?

Joe Montana.

What university did joe Montana play football for?

Notre Dame

What sports did Joe Montana do in high school?

Baseball, Basketball, Football.

What is the value of an NFL Football signed by Joe Montana in 1992?