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uhm no!!!!!!!! its called playing Basketball! that's what your suppose to do. as long as they don't hit the person while trying to get the basketball then its not even a foul

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Q: Is it a technical foul if defensive players touches the basketball while inn the hands of the offensive player?
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All players in basketball play both offense and defense.

What is the definition of double team in basketball terms?

Double team is when two defensive players are guarding one offensive player. That offensive player is usually the player in possession of the ball.

How do you 'foul' in basketball?

A foul in basketball can range from two different kinds: offensive and defensive fouls, as well as technical fouls. Offensive fouls are fouls when you are on the offensive end, like pushing someone to the side to shoot or pushing slapping someone on the arm to get to the basket. Defensive fouls are the same, but on the defensive end. Technical fouls are called when you do something improper in basketball. For instance, yelling at the referee, throwing the basketball in the stands, and yelling at other players will result in technical fouls. There are offensive and defensive fouls in basketball. A defensive foul occurs when a defender makes contact with the player in possession. An offensive foul occurs when the player with the ball makes contact with a defender who's arms are inside his body. If an offensive player runs into a defensive player whose position is established (both feet are planted) or the offensive player drops his shoulder or pushes off with his arm, then the contact is deemed an offensive foul (foul against the offensive player) and is usually called a "charge." Flagrant fouls occur when one player grabs another and pulls him down, or a player is injured as a result of a hard foul. Technical fouls include defensive three-second penalties and, at the discretion of the official, when a player or coach exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct. By definition a foul is "when one player gains an illegal advantage over another through physical contact". In layman's terms, physical contact between two players is not illegal. However, if that contact creates an advantage (as in a shot was affected or a player could not move freely to another position on the court) then it is deemed a foul. If you are Thomas Robinson from the University of Kansas apparently all you have to do to be called for a foul is be on the court.

Do the defensive players need to be in their rotation when the opponent is serving the ball?

Yes, as do offensive players.

Who works both with offensive and defensive players?

The midfielder of course!(:

How many players are on the filed in baseball?

At any time, there are 9 defensive players and 1 to 4 offensive players on the field.

What is the rule called in basketball that deters offensive players from camping out under the basket?

The three second violation - check out this link ---> It is also called defensive/offensive three in the key.

Is it a technical foul in basketball if only 4 players are on the court?


What units are players grouped in lacrosse?

They are grouped into positions. Those positions are called attack (offensive half) defense midi (both offensive and defensive players).

What is the three seconds rule in basketball?

An offensive player cannot stand in the key for more than 3 seconds. If he or she does, then the other team gets the ball. In the NBA, this rule applies to defensive players as well.

Altogathor how many players and officials are on the field?

There are a total of 29 people on the field. 11 Offensive players 11 Defensive Players 7 Officials

Can a wide receiver tackle a defensive lineman?

Offensive players cannot tackle anyone(they can block or run down the defensive players if they're the ball carrier) unless during the play, there's change of possession(examples: interceptions, fumble recovery), any offensive player can tackle the defensive ball carrier.