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Q: When a runner is on first and third and the runner on first advances to second with out a throw from the catcher is the runner credited with a stolen base?
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Does the batter get a sacrifice if the runner on first tags and goes to second?

Yes as long as the runner advances Assuming you mean the runner tags up on a fly ball and advances to second, it is not scored as a sacrifice, but, simply as a fly out and the batter is charged with a time at bat. If the batter bunt a ground ball, the runner would not be required to "tag up" to advance and the batter would be credited with a sacrifice. If the batter is attempting a sacrifice bunt and pops up and the runner, tags up and somehow advances to second the batter is not credited with a sacrifice.

Does a sacrifice fly that advances a runner from second to third count as an at bat?

A fly ball that advances a runner from second to third is not counted as a sacrifice fly, and it does count as an at bat. Unless a runner scores on a fly ball, the batter is charged with an at bat.

If the catcher throws to second base when a runner is stealing second and there is no feilder to catch the ball who is the erer on?


What is agood time for a high school catcher to throw a softball to second base?

Runner attempting a steal from first, or a runner caught returning to second base.

Runner on second and batter hits grounder to short and throws out runner at third is batter credited with a hit?

No hit it is a fielders choice

If a batter grounds out to second base and a runner advances is the batter charged a time at bat?


Batter interferes with catcher after striking out runner stealing and safe at second is runner out for batter's interference or returned to first base?

returned to first because when the batter intefer with the catcher the play is normaily stop

What is catcher pop time?

Catcher pop time is the time it takes for a catcher to come out of his crouch after receiving the pitch (like if he was going to try and throw a runner out at second base).

In NCAA baseball a batter bunts with a runner on second base and advances him to third is this a sacrifice?

Yes it is considered a sacrifice.

Minor ball tourney -- batter is awarded base on balls --- runner advances to 1st base and advances to second without stopping at first - is this legal-what if he stops at first and then goes to 2?

yes he can do it

What is the call if you have runners on second and third with one out and a fly ball is hit to the outfield and is caught. The runner on third base tags up and scores. The runner on second base does n?

It's a sacrifice fly. The batter is credited with an RBI, and the at-bat does not count against his batting average. The runner on second is inconsequential to the scoring decision.

When a batter advances to second on a bad throw to from the outfield is this a 2 base hit or a single and a stolen base?

It would be scored as an out and the credit would go to the catcher, since he is the closest player to play. ANSWER: It depends upon whether the ball was contacted in fair or foul territory when contacted by the runner. In fair territory the runner is out, play is dead (runners can't advance), and the catcher is credited with the putout. In foul territory, it depends on the count. With two strikes the batter is out, and the pitcher is credited with a strikeout. With less than two strikes, it is treated as a strike.