Leeds United were the Football League Champions in 1974.
The runners up in the 1975 UEFA Champions League England Leeds United.
Portsmouth were the Football League Champions in 1949.
Derby County were the Football League Champions in 1972.
The first year of the Champions League was in 1992. But if you are referring to the first year of the Champions League as in first year of European cup it was in 1955.
Valencia, in 2001. It finished 0 - 0 in Leeds, and Valencia won the second leg 3 - 0.
Chelsea has always been into the champions league but they have never won it
They won the top league three times one in 1969,1974,and 1992.
It would have been known as the first division then, as the Premier League did not come into existence until 1992. The 1974 League Champions were Leeds United.
The champion league first started out in the year 1950, the rules have changed over the years, and Barcelona , is the only club to play in the champion league every year.
Barcelona, Chelsea ,Arsenal, Leeds United and Tottenham (SPELLING?) All I KNOW OF!