nobody knows what year it was invented, but it was probably craeted by a college team somewhere?
A basket toss is a cheerleading stunt in which three or more bases toss a flyer into the air.
In 1979 UCA (Universal Cheerleading Association) shows the first basket toss at a summer camp.
Ronnald Frisjerald was the third to create a basket ball, no one knows the first or second.
in the basketball hoop
First, you blow up the boxes with the grenade. Then you will find the hidden basket.
Basket ball was invented by James Naismith. Basket ball was invented by James Naismith.
Basket toss full, or a one man
well so far the highest basket toss I've seen is the flyer going at least 15 feet high =) The highest basket toss (at college level) is around 30 feet high. the highest basket toss recorded on the Guiness World Records is 5.1m from (Stormz) All Star Cheerleaders, NZ!!
Netball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith. The first games were played with a peach basket and a soccer ball.
If you a preforming a basket toss, then dip low and throw high. Do it as hard as possible without hurting the flyers, bases, or spots. You can record with a camera to see how your group is doing, and if you dont have a camera ask a friend how high you guys are going.