Eli Manning was signed in 2004 to the San Diego Chargers, and Phillip Rivers was originally signed to the Giants, but then the Chargers & Giants traded Quarterbacks.
On April 24, 2004, Eli Manning was drafted by the San Diego Chargers. He was then traded to the New York Giants in exchange for their first round pick, Philip Rivers.
Peyton was born in 1976 - Eli was born in 1981.
Eli Manning was born on January 3, 1981
Eli Manning was born on January 3, 1981.
Eli Manning was born on January 3, 1981
Eli Manning was born January 3, 1981 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Eli Manning is 28 years old. He was born January 3, 1981.
No! Just google "Cooper Manning" for more info on the older brother. Archie manning, the Mannings father, played football NO. Cooper Manning is the older brother of Peyton and Eli Manning. BUT COOPER DID PLAY FOOTBALL. He was diagnosed with spinal stenosis in his freshman year of collage as ole miss and was unable to play football again.
tom brady is way better he has 3 super bowls and I DON'T WANT TO HERE ELI MANNING HAS BEATEN TWICE IN THE SUPER BOWL OK!And another thing eli manning has had 1 good year Tom Brady has had a great year since he was a rookie.eli manning has never had a M.V.P.also it took eli manning 8 years to have a good year not even a great year a good year.
Older brother Peyton Manning was born March 24, 1976. Younger brother Eli Manning was born January 3, 1981.
Peyton Manning is older then Eli Manning. Peyton is Eli's older brother.