Older brother Peyton Manning was born March 24, 1976.
Younger brother Eli Manning was born January 3, 1981.
Peyton Manning is older then Eli Manning. Peyton is Eli's older brother.
No, Peyton is older.
No. Eli has two older brothers, Cooper and Peyton.
No, Peyton is almost five years older than Eli. Peyton was born March 24, 1976 and Eli was born January 3, 1981.
Eli (younger) and Peyton (older)
No. Peyton Manning is 4 years older than Eli Manning.
NO! No, but he has 2 older brothers including Peyton, and Cooper
NO! No, but he has 2 older brothers including Peyton, and Cooper
Archie is the father. Cooper is the older brother, peytons is second and Eli is the little one of the family
Cooper Manning is Peyton Manning's older brother, and Eli Maning is Peyton Manning's younger brother. They are all three sons of Archie Manning, a former player in the NFL as well.
in 2009 Eli is 28 and Peyton is 33
Peyton was awesome, Eli was not chill.