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if offside happens, they give the ball to the opposite team

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

A free pass would be given, to the other team. The player who commited the footwork, would not have to stand by her side.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

a free pass where the infringement occurred.

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Q: What would the umpire do when someone obstruction in netball?
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What are the main things to know as a netball umpire?

To know the rules, such as Stepping, Obstruction and other things like that. You would be best of typing into youtube 'How to Umpire a Netball Game' I did and it came up with a few great videos showing how to actually do it showing step by step. If I could I would get the video but I am unable to do so. Sorry (:

What do the umpires where in netball?

they would normally wear white clothing with sunglasses if they are umpireing out side.The best way to tell if someone is an umpire is by seeing if they are wearing a club shirt or not.

How do you spell netball in french?

Netball is not a word in french because it is not played in France. If someone were to refer to netball they would just call it "netball".

What action would you take for someone with a mild obstruction of the throat?

Tell them to cough the mild obstruction out.

If a fielder is in the basepath and the runner either runs into the fielder or is forced around the fielder is it interference on the fielder?

If a baserunner runs into a fielder who is in the base line, and who is not in the act of fielding a ball, the call would be OBSTRUCTION on the fielder. The baserunner would be awarded the base he was running to. The runner that has been obstructed will be awarded at least one base or as many bases that the umpire deems necessary to offset the obstruction. This is a judgment call for the umpire and cannot be protested.

What qualifications are needed to be a netball umpire?

i know that in New Zealand, you need to complete an average of 2 years of qualification games (one game each week during the season) and over that period of time you would of hopefully of passed your bronze silver and gold award. in the third season you would start to work on your level 1,2,3 etc...

How much do cricket umpires get paid?

the minimum a netball umpire would get paid is $8

What decision would the umpire in netball give about cotact?

An extremely clear answer would be - the umpire would blow the whistle and the players should pause the game. After that, the umpire would shout "Contact!" and would state the action a player had used on another. She then would gesture towards the player which had been contacted and the player who had contacted the other. Telling the player that had contacted another to stand beside one of the players of the other team to take the ball. And if the contact was done outside the semi-circle, they would get a free pass but if it is in the semi-circle either shooter would take the ball and get a penalty of either a pass or a shot

How many centermetres long are netball dresses?

netball dresses come in a lot of different sizes. asking how big a netball dress is is like asking how big a girls skirt is. It depends on how tall the person wearing the dress is, so someone who is tall would have a very different length dress to someone who is very short.

Why the ball is used in netball?

If there was no ball it would not be called netball it would be called net

Is being an umpire hard?

not really .. sometimes it can become tricky with higher graded netball because they are tricky with their footwork and moves and you will need to pick them up for more moves. but younger kids would be a great start :) you should try it out!

Similarities of netball and fast netball?

I play netball and i dnt think there is even a "fast netball". But if there is i guess it would all be the same but, faster:\