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Q: What wood bats are used for legion baseball?
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Related questions

Are wood bats used in AAU baseball?

No wood bats in AAU.

Which metal is used for making baseball bats?

Baseball bats generally made from wood or metal. Metal baseball bats are usually made of aluminum or an aluminum alloy.

What was used for baseball equipment in 1845?

they used wood bats,no cleats ,and gloves with no grip.

What element is found in baseball bats?

Baseball bats are often made of aluminum, a lightweight, relatively cheap metal.

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What type of wood are baseball bats made from?

Most wood baseball bats are made from white ash. However there are more professionals nowadays using bats made from maple, because it is known to be a little stronger than ash. Bamboo is also used, but it is less common.

Are baseball bats supposed to have a wood rod inside of it?


Who made wood baseball bats?

luisvile slugger

How is baseball related to science?

wood composite bats

What do college players use for baseball bats?


Is a baseball bat made out of pine tree?

Decorative bats can be made of any type wood, but most bats today are made from ash.

Are BESR baseball bats legal in high school in 2012?

Yes, onlyBBCOR certified bats will be used in the 2012 baseball season In high school. However, the BBCOR bats are terrible. I prefer you save your money and buy a wood bat.