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Q: What will happen if a player commits violation?
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Who usually commits a violation in basketball?

The players.

If a player makes a free throw but his teammate commits a lane violation is it recorded as an unsuccessful free throw attempt or is it not counted as a shot at all?


What happens if someone is driving your registered vehicle and commits a violation and isn't caught Am I responsible for the tickets when I wasn't driving the vehicle?

Your question is very peculiar; since you specify that the person who committed the violations wasn't caught, there should be no tickets to be paid. In any event, it is the person who commits a traffic violation who is responsible for any resulting fines, even if that person is not the owner of the vehicle.

What is a offensiven foul in basketball?

When a player on the team with the ball commits a foul

What is first violation in netball?

If an umpire calls "first violation" it means there was more than one violation that a team made. If a player first contacts another player then bats the ball out, the first violation would be contact because that is the first rule that was broken.

A player has four fouls and is fouled in the act of shooting and then commits a technical foul can he shoot the foul shot?

No the player can not.

What is an abusement?

An abusion is an act of misuse or abuse, of violation of law or improper behaviour, or of catachresis - the improper use of a word in a given context.

How do you spell commits?

Commits- like: she commits a crime.

In tennis a player who steps on or in front of the baseline while serving commits a what?

Foot Fault

What is the violation when the player without dribbling the ball?


Is there a violation when a basketball player retrieves the ball after a field goal try that hits nothing?

There is no violation. It is the same as a pass

Is offensive kicking a violation in basketball?

Kicking is a violation whether it is done by a defensive player or an offensive player. The kick needs to be intentional. The foot needs to be off the floor.