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Q: What were the name of Pele kids?
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Does Pele have kids?

Yes, Pele has 7 kids.

Does Pele have children?

Yes, Pele has 7 kids.

Did Pele's kids have any kids?

no they are both 15, I know them

Did the goddess pele have kids?

She had a son but he died.

How did Pele get its name?

f you are asking about Pele. Then he gets his pet name from the Vasco Dagama goalkeeper Bile. As a small boy Pele failed to pronounce it properly and called him Pele and the name has stuck.

What is the birth name of Persia Pele?

Persia Pele's birth name is Marjan Faritous.

What is Pele's first name?

Edson Arantes do Nascimento

How did Edison Arantes do Nascimento get his name Pele?

Edison Arantes do Nascimento or as the world knows him as Pele . He is named after Thomas Alva Edison. But he gets the name Pele, this way. When he was small the Vasco Dagama goalkeeper was named Bile. But Pele always pronounced it as Pele and now the name has stuck for good.

What is Peles wifes name?

As of July 2014 Pele is not married and not reported to be dating anyone. He has been married twice in the past and has 6 kids.

Who is the world famous Brazilian soccer player?

The Brazilian Pele is considered the greatest ever with over a thousand goals to his name.

What is Pele's Dad 's name?

Pele real father name is bla bla

What is the name of Pele's son?

His name is Edson.