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She had a son but he died.

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Q: Did the goddess pele have kids?
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Related questions

Who is the goddess Pele?

Pele is the Hawaiian goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes. She is seen as a powerful and capricious deity, with legends attributing volcanic eruptions to her anger or displeasure. Pele is also revered as the creator of the Hawaiian islands.

Can a child with autism be cursed by the volcano goddess Pele from taking her rocks?

No. The volcano goddess Pele does not exist.

Does Pele have kids?

Yes, Pele has 7 kids.

Who is the volcano goddess?

Pele is the volcano goddess. She is also the goddess of hula and fire.

Who is Namaka?

Namaka is a figure in Hawaiian mythology, specifically in the story of Pele, the goddess of fire and volcanoes. Namaka is Pele's older sister and the sea goddess. She is known for her fierce and powerful nature, often in conflict with Pele.

Who is god Pele associated with?

Pele is actually a Hawaiian goddess associated with volcanoes and fire.

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Pele's mom is Haumea, the goddess of fertility (and childbirth.) Her dad is Kane Milohai who is also apparently her brother...

Who is Pele the goddess of fire?

She is the goddess of fire dance and voilance also of volcanos.

Does Pele have children?

Yes, Pele has 7 kids.

Can kids with autism get a curse from the volcano goddess Pele?

No. The question tries to link the science of developmental disabilities with Hawaiian mythology. There is no relationship between the two fields.

What is the god for Kilauea?

Kilauea is the "body" of Pele, the Goddess of Fire.

What does huka Pele mean Hu means to rise or swell roar grunt to depart from course or to join Ka is the and Pele is our fire goddess also lava flow or eruption Aloha?

Answer 2:Huka: To gozzle and gobble.Pele: In Hawaiian mythology, is the goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence."Pele gobbling-up the land (aina around Halema'uma'u and Kilauea) in the form of lava."Huka Pele! Huka Pele! (Backyardigans) Answer 1: Pele is a Hawaiian goddess related to volcanoes