You call a baseball referee an Umpire
An umpire.
When people say something to the umpire at a Baseball game they call him or her "Blue"
The umpire is the person that rules on plays.
2 Swing and miss or call strike by the umpire.
Normaly either the first base umpire or the second base umpire... i have seen the home plate umpire call it!
Because it is a real "no-no" to raise a hand to an umpire in baseball, kicking dirt on their shoes helps them get their frustrations out and show contempt for the umps call.
any umpire can
Depending on the call all umpires can reverse a call but the crew chief supersedes all umpire ...Clarification:The chief umpire for the game, aka. plate umpire makes the final decision on a call when another umpire ask for help. If the umpire does not ask for help no other umpire should interfere with the call. The home plate umpire is the chief umpire, unless the league appoints an umpire as the chief umpire -- MLB appoints a crew chief for every umpire crew, all calls where umpires ask for help will come down to his final judgement. You can find all of this in 9.02 and 9.04 of the rules
They holler out to the umpire "Time Blue!" or just make their hands into a T form and signal the umpire down, and then the umpire will call time out.