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the umpire

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Q: Who calls people out in a baseball game?
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Related questions

Who calls the balls and stikes in baseball?

The home plate umpire with occasional help from the third base umpire calls balls and strikes in the game of baseball.

How many people start on a baseball game?

9 people

How many people play baseball in Panama?

Baseball is the national game of Panama. Many people play it.

What are baseball annoucer?

Baseball announcers are people who report what is happening during the baseball game to others.

What color is sometimes yelled to baseball umpires Hey?

When people say something to the umpire at a Baseball game they call him or her "Blue"

How many players in playing baseball?

In The game of baseball there are 9 people in the field at once

How many players play Baseball?

In The game of Baseball there are 9 people in the field at once

How do you calculate attendence at baseball game?

count the people that walk in

Where was baseball diffused to?

so people believe that canandians made up baseball, but America calls it their "past time" so nobody really know... GO TIGERS!!

Who calls the softball game?

an upm

How many people went to the 2010 All Star Baseball game?

45,408 people

How many people work a major league baseball game?
