1-0 was the very first basketball scoring
Kevin Durant. He averaged at least 25 PPG or more, which was first in the NBA
L.C. Gordon, 1957
Mikki Bailey
Charles Bemies
Basketball was created in 1891 by a physical education professor and instructor at what is now Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts. The first official game of basketball was played in Albany, New York in January 1892.
Aaron Greving
Feb. 6, 1903 -- First organized basketball game at State College (later UK). They lost 15-6.Feb. 18, 1903 -- State College wins its first basketball game, vs. Lexington YMCA, 11-10. State goes on to a 1-3 record that season.
To get out without scoring on both innings is a pair, to get out without scoring first ball is a golden duck, so to get out without scoring first ball on both innings is a golden pair.
Basketball doesn't have a first name- basketball is the name of a sport.
Harrison Ford is a famous actor. Harrison Barnes plays basketball for the Golden State Warriors in the National Basketball Association.