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Bob Long Intimidators were the first to have "eyes". Following their success, Angel came out with ribbon eyes.

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Q: What was the first paintball marker to use eyes?
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What was the first paintball company?

The first paintball gun to ever exist on this planet was the Nelspot 007. The funny thing was this marker wasn't made for the initial use of paintball, it was made for agricultural use. It wasn't until twelve players with Nelspot 007's discovered the wonder of "Paintball" and changed the world as we know it. At the time "Paintball" was known as "Survival," a game that was first written about in 1980 in get this... Sports Illustrated. But the first paintball gun to be used intended for the game of paintball was the NSG Splatmaster.

What stock does the alpha black paintball marker use?

The tippmann 98 stock.

Can you use hpa with a jt paintball gun?

It depends on what marker you have, a marker like a 3.5 Excellerator, Tac-5 (any marker of the TAC-5 brand) or a similar marker like these, you can use HPA in.

Is it possible to play paintball with balloons instead of guns?

Not completely sure how you could use a balloon instead of a paintball marker. Though paintball is known for its guns therefore no.

In the experiment testing which type of paintball marker shot paintballs farthest what was the dependent variable?

The dependent variable in this experiment would be the type of paintball marker. You must make sure you keep the other variables constant. Meaning using the exact same barrel, propellant and paintball types. If you use different setups on each, you have not proven that the marker itself was the key determining factor.

In the experiment testing which type of paintball marker shot paintball farthest what was the dependent variable?

The dependent variable in this experiment would be the type of paintball marker. You must make sure you keep the other variables constant. Meaning using the exact same barrel, propellant and paintball types. If you use different setups on each, you have not proven that the marker itself was the key determining factor.

What should you get a paintball gun or a shotgun?

Whichever you will use more. If your hunting season is close, or you want to shoot clay's often, get a shotgun. If you would play paintball more then that, get a paintball marker.

In the experiment testing what type of paintball marker shot paintballs farthest what was the dependent variable?

The dependent variable in this experiment would be the type of paintball marker. You must make sure you keep the other variables constant. Meaning using the exact same barrel, propellant and paintball types. If you use different setups on each, you have not proven that the marker itself was the key determining factor.

Tippmann us alpha black tactical paintball marker could you use a nitrogen tank on it and were can you get it refilled?

you cant use it or refill it

Does the tippmann alpha tactical paintball marker from ganders mountain need co2?

Yes. unless you use HPA.

How does a semi auto paintball marker work what part specificaly lets the marker recock itself?

Depends on which marker you are talking about but typically they use air from the tank to cycle the bolt and cock the marker. Several animated examples are avalible in the related links.

What kind of paintballs does tsawwassen paintball use?

It most likely uses either marbalizers or first strike rounds. IT deosnt matter that much, unless you've got a special marker