The average defensive coordinator salary in the NFL is 93,261 USD.
The top NBA salary in 1949 was $60,000 a year, with a handful of others making close to that amount. However, the league average was between $10-15,000 per year.
As of 2014, the average salary of an NFL player is forth highest among the big four sports of basketball, baseball, hockey, and football. The average NFL salary is $1.4 million per year.
Answerdoing study for a differential - guessing about $100,000 for a first round, $10,000 for a sixth round. 1dukenAccording to Forbes the Average 1970 Salary was $23,000
The minimum salary for 2010 for a rookie in the NFL is $325,000 per year.
In 2008, the average guaranteed salary for a first-round pick in the NFL was $11,924,000.
Probably one of the cushiest jobs of all, the waterboy in the NFL makes an average salary about $53,000 a year.
The average salary of a NFL player is 1.9 million dollars.