According to Forbes the Average 1970 Salary was $23,000
The average defensive coordinator salary in the NFL is 93,261 USD.
The average US salary was $23,000 in 1985. The average monthly rent in 1985 was $300 and a gallon of gas was $1.05.
As of 2014, the average salary of an NFL player is forth highest among the big four sports of basketball, baseball, hockey, and football. The average NFL salary is $1.4 million per year.
The average salery in nfl in the 1960s was 21,000
The minimum salary for 2010 for a rookie in the NFL is $325,000 per year.
The average salary of a NFL player is 1.9 million dollars.
In 2008, the average guaranteed salary for a first-round pick in the NFL was $11,924,000.
Probably one of the cushiest jobs of all, the waterboy in the NFL makes an average salary about $53,000 a year.