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The Boston Americans (now Red Sox) and the Pittsburgh Pirates played in the first World Series in 1903. The Americans won 5 games to 3. This was a surprise as the Pirates were a powerful team. Few bettors would have expected Boston to win. The great pitcher Cy Young was in this Series as a Boston pitcher.

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The Cleveland Forest Citys and the Fort Wayne Kekiongas played in the first Major League Baseball game on May 4, 1871

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Taft threw out the first ball on April 14, 1910. The Washington Senators and The Philadelphia Athletics played and the Senators won 3-0.

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Q: What two teams were playing when President Taft threw the first pitch to open the baseball season in 1910?
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Who was the first president to open a baseball season?

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Who was the first president to throw out the first baseball on opening day of the baseball season?

William Taft

Who was the president who started the tradition of throwing the first baseball to start the major league baseball season?

President William Howard Taft threw out the first ball of the season starting the tradition.

Who was the first president to not throw the first pitch of the baseball season?

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Who was the fist president to open the baseball season in 1910?

The first President to open the baseball season was William Howard Taft. In 1910, he threw a baseball from the stands at Washington, D.C.'s Griffith Stadium.

Who was the first president to open a baseball season in 1910?

william howard taft

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Wiiliam H. Taft

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President Taft, 1909

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Who was the first President to through out a ball at baseball game?

On 04-14-1910 President William H. Taft threw out the first pitch on Opening Day To start the 1910 season. Walter Johnson caught the ball. The home team Washington Senators were playing the Philadelphia Athletics.

What President did not throw a pitch at a baseball game?

The first President to throw out a first pitch in Major League Baseball was William Howard Taft in 1910. So none of the earlier Presidents did. Since then, every US President has tossed a pitch in either the All Star Game, the World Series, or the first game of the baseball season.

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Pedro's final season playing was 2009 which makes 2015 the first season he will be eligible for the HoF.