As of 9th June, 2010, The captain of the Spanish national football is Iker Casillas.Iker Casillas
As of June 2014, Iker Casillas plays for Real Madrid, a club in Spain.
The current Real Madrid captain is Iker Casillas
Iker Casillas's age is 31
Iker Casillas played for Spain in the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Iker Casillas
Iker Casillas's birth name is ker Casillas Fernndez.
no. he plays for real madrid.
real madrid
Iker Casillas Fernandez is a Spanish football player, born in Mostoles. He plays in the goalkeeper role for Real Madrid , where he also is the captain of the team
Iker Casillas was born on May 20, 1981.
Iker Casillas was born on May 20, 1981.