He is on the Baltimore Ravens and is # 74 like he was that # in high school. He has a movie of his life called: The Blind Side
Michael Orr currently plays for the Baltimore Ravens. (On his uniform, his name is spelled "Oher.")
Offense the blind side of the quarterback Baltimore ravens
Yes, Michael Oher currently plays right tackle for the Baltimore Ravens.
Michael Oher plays at offensice tackle for the Baltimore Ravens.
Yes he does. He was drafted by the Ravens in 2009 with the 23rd pick in the first round of the draft.
Michael Oher is an American professional football player for the Baltimore Ravens. His story is shown in the 2009 movie the-blind-side.
Michael Oher plays on the offensive line, specifically left tackle.
No, Michael Oher does not play for the Ravens. He now plays for the Tennessee Titans.
Michael Oher has played for the NFL for four seasons so far, from 2009-2012. Before that he played for the University of Mississippi for four seasons. He is currently still on the Baltimore Ravens roster as an offensive tackle.
Yes. Michael Oher was annoyed that the movie suggested that he had not played football as he had experience from previous schools that he had attended.
Michael oher
Baltimore Ravens Offensive Tackle Michael Oher (#74) has been a key member of the Ravens offensive line since his acquisition in the 2009 draft. He can play both Right and Left OT, though he excels more at the RT position. This was shown during the Ravens 2013 playoff run and eventual Super Bowl XLVII win.