Yes he does. He was drafted by the Ravens in 2009 with the 23rd pick in the first round of the draft.
Michael Orr currently plays for the Baltimore Ravens. (On his uniform, his name is spelled "Oher.")
Everybody on the Baltimore Ravens
Yes, Michael Oher currently plays right tackle for the Baltimore Ravens.
He is not listed as injured currently for the Baltimore Ravens.
Yes - Michael Oher has been a starting Offensive Lineman (right and left side) since he was drafted by the Ravens in 2009.
Offense the blind side of the quarterback Baltimore ravens
Michael Oher is the player in "The Blind Side".
Michael Oher's tutor was long time educator Sue Mitchell.
Michael Oher is an American professional football player for the Baltimore Ravens. His story is shown in the 2009 movie the-blind-side.
Jared Gaither, although Michael Oher subbed for him when he was injured.
He is on the Baltimore Ravens and is # 74 like he was that # in high school. He has a movie of his life called: The Blind Side
No, Michael Oher does not play for the Ravens. He now plays for the Tennessee Titans.