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Q: What super bowl team is predicted to win the game?
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If a team dies on its way to the Super Bowl who wins the Super Bowl?

The team that makes it to the game.

Which Super Bowl team is in the NFL?

the saintsANSWER:All of them. The Super Bowl is the NFL's championship game.

In what bowl game did mcnair's team play?

they played in the 2000 super bowl game

Is it possible for a team to have home field in super bowl?

Technically one team is designated the home team for the game, but I think you mean if a team can play in its own stadium for the Super Bowl. The answer is yes, the team from the host city must make it through the playoffs to the Super Bowl.

What team scored the most points in the Super Bowl?

If you mean in one game, in Super Bowl 24 the 49ers scored 55 to the Broncos 10 for the most points scored by one team in the Super Bowl.

What team has won every game including Super Bowl?

not the patriots.

Which super bowl game had no turnovers by both teams?

As of Super Bowl XLII, there have been two Super Bowl games where neither team committed a turnover: Super Bowl XXV - Bills and Giants Super Bowl XXXIV - Rams and Titans

Has any team played Overtime in the superbowl?

Prior to Super Bowl LI, no Super Bowl game went into over time.

What 4 time super bowl team has never led at anytime in a super bowl game?

The Minnesota Vikings...big chokers

Has any team not scored in a Super Bowl game?

No, the fewest points scored in a Super Bowl is 3 by the Miami Dolphins in Super Bowl VI. They lost to the Cowboys, 24-3.

Which team has failed to score a touch down in a Super Bowl game?

The Dolphins just scored 3 points in Super Bowl VI.

Has any team ever went into double over time in the super bowl?

No. Through Super Bowl XLIII, no game has gone into overtime.