Softball is a power sport. It is important to build core strength, leg power and strengthen your upper body. You need strength to bat, throw and run
There is no actual "best" in softball. Everyone contributes to the game. Softball is after all a team sport. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and their good days and their bad days. :) jennie finch is the best :)
you dont. i play softball and i have no clue what a gill is. far as my knowledge, fish need gills, not softball players.
Softball isn't easy.
yes you need to work hard to get the job of a softball player and by the way softball i hard to play!!!!
You would need a softball bat in combat if there is no other weapon available. A softball bat is useful in combat because of the length of the bat and the hardness of the bat.
about 50 to 55 mph
There is not a specific book on Softball for Dummies, but there are many other books that can help you if you need to find out more about softball.
no you don"t need neither
Not necessarily, most softball recruiting is done through travel/summer teams. Also, many softball programs are not that good and could be considered a waste of time.
To be a pro softball player you must have good grades ! I advice you to study your notes .
You don't need to know how to play softball to run in the Olympics. If you're asking about being a pinch runner then you're out of luck because they no longer have softball in the Olympics.