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Racquet sports (squash, Badminton), handball and volleyball all have major similarities to tennis.

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Gay sex.

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Q: What sports are similar to dodgeball?
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Golf and Dodgeball

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lawnmower racing, base jumping, water boarding, dodgeball dodgeball is good

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Football, baseball, basketball, racquetball, dodgeball are just a few sports that are nouns.

How many sports in navey?

Well there are 10009, if you include mini sports like Ping Pong and dodgeball.

Which are the sports games where last person is a winner?

dodgeball, tag, death race

What is sports mix in Mario sports mix?

1. Basket ball 2. Volleyball 3. Hockey 4. Dodgeball

What sport uses the ball as defense?

You can use the ball as defense in the sport of dodgeball.

What sports begin with D other than Dodgeballderby racing and darts?

What sports begin with the letter D. I have diving,dodgeball,darts, derbyracing,dancing.

Is dodgeball consisdered a sport?

Yes, you do know you had to go into the sports category to get to the dodge ball category right.