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Q: What sport or activity is the adaptation of baseball?
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Is baseball an athletics yes or no?

technically,yes it is because baseball players are atheletes,and baseball itself is a sport and every sport is an athletic activity

What is the names of the outdoor sport activity?

soccer baseball football vollyball softball lacrosse track

Is motercycling a sport?

It is not a sport it is an activity.

What is the most pointless sport?

Badmiton its not a sport its an activity

Is catch a sport?

No, catch is just an activity similar to a sport

What is a formal activity?

a formal activity is a sport like shotput

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Is cheerleading a national sport?

no its an activity

Is cheerleading a sport or activity?


Is music a sport why or why not?

Music is not considered a sport. Some people consider dancing a sport, but technically it is not. Music is not considered a sport because it doesn't require much physical activity. The only physical activity involved is dancing.

How do you join a shooting sport activity?

It depends on which sport you want to join, but generally, you just show up at an activity and tell them you want to join.

Is a driving range a sport?

No, Driving range is an activity, and golf is a sport. The reason why Driving range is an activity and not a sport is because that is just a way to test your accuracy, your new clubs, and to see how your improving.