There are not players officially designated to protect the goal keeper, but as in other sports (e.g. Ice Hockey) there is an unwritten rule that teammates (especially fullbacks) protect the goalkeeper. This is due to the fact that the goalkeeper is put in the most vulnerable situations (spending a lot of time on the ground, in close proximity to the ball, and legs intent on kicking the ball). Players do not have special privileges within the rules to protect the goalkeeper, but expect them to do so.
Soccer is like a job and soccer is goal of your life.
an own goal
It depends on which soccer player it is and what division.
Two feet away from the goal?
Any player may be in the goal area.
Se la perdio! translates to: He lost it! Meaning: he lost his shot 'on goal' there is something lost in translation. hope it helps.
A soccer player kicks a ball into the opposing team's goal. A goalkeeper will try to stop this from happening
ON-SIDE in soccer or football is when a player from the attacking has one defender between him, the goalie and goal.
Every soccer team has 11 players. Every soccer team plays on a field that is in the shape of a rectangle. Every team has a goal to protect.
A clearance
Cristiano Ronaldo
troll goal