Every soccer team has 11 players. Every soccer team plays on a field that is in the shape of a rectangle. Every team has a goal to protect.
11 people are on a soccer team. I Think
Brazil played in every world cup.
No, a team cannot be fined for parking the bus in soccer because it does break the laid down rules in soccer.
the soccer team that holds the world cups title is Italy
Yes. Almost every countries have soccer teams.
A round robin competition is when every team plays every other team.
they are the best team ever every player on the team is better than you
Yes soccer is a good sport.I am a assisant coach of my little cousins soccer team so far our team has won every single one.I am proud of my team but especially my little cousin.
In soccer this mean the home team is playing on their home ground in their home town that they represent; same in every other sport.
The US Soccer team only competes every four years because it is the required to do so because the Wold Cup tournaments is participated after every four years.
Every team may haveone what team so it depends for the team you mean
On a full regular season, no. There would be no precedent for it in modern soccer.
yes they do, nearly every team in the world has a football team.(if not there wouldn't be a world cup):)
Every member of a team is just as important as the others.
ummm.Well its a person who gets crazy about soccer ,cry when it's team loses, goes to every Fifa .Well in other words a SOCCER FREAK.
It should be girl's soccer team ;)