Crstiano Ronaldo often wears black and blue Nike Mercurial Vapors. Ronaldo's sponsorship deal with Nike has seen him wearing Mercurial Vapors for nearly his entire career.
See the related link below for more information on Cristiano Ronaldo soccer cleats.
I believe it is based on the type of surface you are playing on. Hard soil, artificial turf, slippery wet fields, all require different soccer cleats.
Kickers normally wear tight fitting soccer cleats, with fine kangaroo or any clean hitting surface.
There are two ways to fix this problem: 1) Specially designed cleats for lacrosse only, such a warrior's burn 2.0. Even though there is a limited amount of lacrosse cleats, big companies are coming out with cleats specially for lacrosse. Such as the new Nike talons. 2) Use football cleats specially made for turf, grass, etc. They are not made for lacrosse, but as in football, they are light, good for cutting, and have good protection for your ankles.
If you have high arches definetly do not get nike cleats. My recommended cleats would be of the brand Adidas or puma. Jomas are also a useful high arch cleats. and get a defensive style cleat. they are built for arch.
Before shoes with cleats were popular, players wore some type of non-cleat running shoes. Some present-day players do not use cleats at all.
They have special shoes called cleats. They kind of look like softball or football cleats except they don't have a stub on the toe. They have stubs on the bottom of the shoe. You aren't able to wear them if they have a stub on the toe.
Depending on what type of field you play on, you can either wear cleats of turf shoes. Cleats are the most common type of softball shoe. There are both rubber cleats and metal cleats, but most leagues do not allow you to wear metal cleats.
I don't know what you mean by who have cleats. But the most important piece of soccer equipment is the ball. You can run drills without it but you can do that without any equipment. Other than that the ball is the most important. Cleats all depends on what type of surface you are playing on, turf, grass, indoors, on fire, or ice you get my point.
No there is a difference between baseball cleats and football cleats. Football cleats are used for traction and are screw in type, where as baseball cleats are not they are put there for keeps they also are longer in size. here is a site that explains what I am saying but better
The Peloton bike shoes are compatible with Look Delta cleats.
Baseball cleats are made of either metal, rubber or plastic. The most common baseball cleats are made with metal spikes.
Peloton uses Look Delta cleats for their cycling shoes.