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12y ago

a 12 inch ball.

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Q: What size softball field is used for 9 to 12 year olds?
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Related questions

What size softball is used for men's fast pitch softball?

12 inch.

What size softball should be used for coed slow pitch softball?

12 inch

What is a softball used for?

to play softball such as pitching catchig batting and throwig a softball goes along with the sportTo hit, throw, and pitch field

What size softball is used for usssa women's slowpitch softball?

12 inch (same as 12u- ect.)

What was the most popular size in softball in inches?

The most popular size is 12 inches because once you go into 12U, it stays at the same size.

What size softball is used for 10 and under leagues?

It should be a size 4. available at walmart

What size softball is used for ASA or USSSA women's fastpitch softball?

11" circumference for women's slow pitch softball.

What is softball used for?

Hi I play softball. It is used for playing the game. The pitcher uses it and the hitters hit it. The fielders field it. It was used so that girls can play baseball. Softball is much more difficult than Baseball. And the ball is no where near soft actually it is harder than a baseball. I hope i answered your question!

What is the softball used for?

To play softball

What is the purpose of a rover in softball?

it is only used in slowpitch and they move around te field according to the skill level of the hitter

What have people learned about a soft softball or a hardball softball?

A soft softball is made out of foam and never actually used in a real game of softball. If it is ever used, it is probably used in PE. or in a game that is just for fun. A hard softball is used in a real game of softball. A certified softball is a lime green sort of color and comes in a variety of sizes. The smallest size is 10 inches around, another is 11 inches around, and the biggest (and the one used for college softball and the Olympic team) is 12 inches around. Most of the time you would use the smaller sized softballs in a little league and a s the kids got older, the size of the ball gets bigger. The string that hold the ball together is red, just like a baseball. Softballs weigh about 175-178 grams. It's density is 15.5 to 16.5 per square inch.

How is softball used?

Hmmm....maybe in softball.