This is not a very well thought out question as a person who is 5' 8" can conceivably weigh anything. The proper jersey size would depend ore on the person's frame.
Well, I have a friend <3 ! they're the same height as you . she wears a 3 and 6 i think the 6 looks better on her ;) but yeah a 6 or 3
the size of a basketball
If the Earth was the size of a basketball, then the Moon would be about the size of a tennis ball in relative scale. The Moon is about 1/4 the diameter of Earth, so in this scenario, its size would proportionally shrink down as well.
About 1 million earths would fit in the sun if the sun were hollow. If Earth was the size of a basketball, the sun would be as big as a basketball court.
It is a size 9 and a half.That is preety small for a good basketball player.Huh!!
So a size 7 basketball is a men's size basketball. A size 6 basketball is a woman's size basketball. That means a size 5 is for people who have smaller hands. That's how you compare sizes.
One, maybe. Depends on the size of the person.
If Our Star Were the size of a Basketball, Sirius A (Main Sequence) Would be a size of A Teddy Bear.
If Our Star Were the size of a Basketball, Sirius A (Main Sequence) Would be a size of A Teddy Bear.
If a cell were as big as a basketball, organelles would have to increase in size to be proportionate to the actual cell. -Josh
Only if you are in a spaceship very far away and you have a basketball in your hand and it is April 1st. No, the Earth is NOT the size of a basketball. If it were, then there is no way with the technology we have now that we could create a basketball. Also, there is no way that we would be able to have so many basketballs on Earth as we do.