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One, maybe. Depends on the size of the person.

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Q: How many people can fit In a basketball rim?
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Related questions

Will a size 5 basketball fit through a 12 inch basketball rim?

It should fit.

What is the diameter of a basketball rim versus the circumference of the basketball?

Two basketballs can fit in the hoop so the ball is half the size of the rim

How do basketball rim clips fit on rim of hoop?

A nuke explodes and puts the buttholes in place.

Where do you find a stainless steel basketball rim?

There are many places you can purchase a stainless steel basketball rim. These include, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Walmart.

What is a basketball rim used for?

A basketball rim is used for knowing how far you can shoot a basketball into the basketball hoop. It also determines your accuracy and stamina with the sport.

What is another name for a basketball rim?

In the English language, the phrase, 'basketball rim" is two words, therefore you cannot find one synnonym for that. Some people may refer to its nickname: "Iron"

How many hooks on a basketball rim?

There is no such thing. That is probably just a term for a hook shot that hits the rim and bounces in the basket.

What is the height of a standard basketball post?

The Basketball rim is exactly 10 ft 0 in. high

What is the rim in basketball?

The rim is the circular hoop attached perpendicularly to the backboard. The rim is usually painted orange and is made of iron. When the game first originated, a basket was used instead of a rim, which is why it is called 'basketball'.

What the rim is attached to in basketball?

On a standard Basketball net, the rim is attached perpendicularly to the backboard, which is usually white (or clear) in colour.

Rim in basketball?

10 feet

What did they use as a basketball goal and basketball?

I think you mean a basketball hoop. But for a hoop, they use a steel or iron rim with rope netting connected to the rim. The backboard is glass or plastic.