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Q: What pro basketball player is Demarcus Cousins most like?
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Is you are like the best basketball player a simile?

Depends on how and what you are comparing to with a basketball player. For example. "His lay up was so perfect it was like he the best basketball player ever to make such a shot."

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for sure it Micheal Jordan i mean everybody knows that he is like the best basketball player ever I've always dreamed to be a basketball player

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NBA players dont have to ( like kobe)

What kind of clothes does a basketball player wear?

Most basketball players wear basketball shorts or other shirts like, "Just Do It".

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my romodel best basketball player

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a triple double in basketball is when a player has points scored, rebounds and assists in double digits - like 10,10,10

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Lisa lesile who is like 6"5

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To be a good basketball player (or really a good athlete) you will need simple qualities that coaches like( i would know, i have coached basketball for 7 years) determination, openness to learn, bravery, preference, and smartness... haha hope this helped

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The simile "the cat jumped like a basketball player" is from Chapter 6 of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. It can be found on page 48 of the Penguin Classics edition.

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