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Q: What principles of training are needed for basketball?
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Principles of training and leader - development training.

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The best quality management training to apply for is in Academics. Many educators believe that the Demings concept of TQM provides guiding principles for needed educational reform.

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Basketball player required education and training?

There is no education required to become a basketball player, other than basketball knowledge. Much training, however, is necessary. One cannot be a good player unless a large amount of training is put in.

Are there any good basketball training videos for someone who has absolutely no basketball skills?

Yes, there are. Some good basketball training videos for someone with no skills can be found on this website:

What are the general principles of basketball?

There are many general principles of basketball. Some of these include protecting the ball, always taking direction, moving to meet the pass, and never turning the head on a defense.

Who makes the best training videos for young basketball players? and both offer well-respected basketball training videos.