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A pulled hamstring takes weeks to heal and it's not a good idea to play at all. If you can even walk you're doing well and if you can walk without moderate to sever pain then it's probably strained and not pulled. Either way you will aggravate the injury and turn a couple of weeks into months.

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Q: What precations should i use to continue to play softball with a pulled hamstring?
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Related questions

What type of injury is a pulled hamstring?

In case of a hamstring injury, one or more of the hamstring muscles get stretched too far. It is even possible that the muscle starts to tear. One is most likely to get this injury during exercises such as running or jumping.

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How can you pull a hamstring?

You will be able to feel a tightness in the area that you pulled the muscle.And it will be sore.

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Softball is one sport being pulled.

What is the treatment for pulled Hampstring?

Treatment for a pulled hamstring generally involves stretching and not using the muscle for awhile. Heat should be applied. At times it may require electromagnetic therapy.

What do you do if you pulled you muscle and you play softball?

Rest, ice it up and strengthen it when healed

Is it possible to have a pull in you r hamstring if you can run through it?

Well, it depends how bad you have pulled it. But I remember when I pulled my hamstring, I could run through it, but it did hurt. And the more you run through it, the worse it will get. Hamstrings take a long time to heal, so I would recomend not to. You should sit down and let it rest and not put alot of pressure on it to get the quickest results.

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One common injury that a wide receive will suffer from is a pulled hamstring. They can also suffer from head concussions.

What are the injuries in sport?

sprained angle, knee, pulled hamstring, bleeding Most likely is that soccer players will get knee problems... i have a knee problem from soccer since i was nine.

Is a torn ligament a strain?

No, a torn ligament is a sprain. A sprain can happen when a ligament is overstretched. It can be caused by a twist or wrench. So a twisted ankle is a sprained ankle. A strain refers to when you tear or overstretch a muscle or tendon (which attach muscles to bones). This can be caused by a sudden stretch or extra effort. So a pulled hamstring is a strained hamstring.

What type of doctor do you see for a pulled hamstring?

For musculoskeletal problems, the type of doctor/physician to see would be an orthopedist or orthopedic surgeon. Probably a physician who specializes in sports medicine would be best.

Is softball out of the Olympics?

it was in the Olympics. it got pulled because they thought the us was going to dominate forever. although japan beat the us in the final game the decision.