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Rest, ice it up and strengthen it when healed

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Q: What do you do if you pulled you muscle and you play softball?
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Related questions

What are the events being pulled from the next Olympics?

Softball is one sport being pulled.

When do play softball?

You play softball in the spring and in the summer!

When play Softball?

You play softball in the spring and in the summer!

What is the softball used for?

To play softball

Should I play Softball?

You should play softball if it is a sport that you enjoy.

What is a pulled muscle?

When a muscle is pushed to far with exertion, small tears can occur in the muscle tissue. The pain associated with this damage when the muscle is used is called a pulled muscle.

Who uses a softball?

girls or men who play softball

Why not play softball?

softball is a really tough sport if you would not want to get hurt i would inform you not to play, if you play you may get hit by a softball alot, and if you want to play... just be prepared

Does softball help increase muscle strength?


What precations should i use to continue to play softball with a pulled hamstring?

A pulled hamstring takes weeks to heal and it's not a good idea to play at all. If you can even walk you're doing well and if you can walk without moderate to sever pain then it's probably strained and not pulled. Either way you will aggravate the injury and turn a couple of weeks into months.

How is geometry related to softball?

you play on a softball diamond. lol

How can you use the word muscle in a sentence?

that man pulled a muscle