Billy Wagner is wearing #13 for the Mets now. A previous fan favorite to wear the number is Lee Mazzilli, during the 1986 World Championship season. Maz came up with the Mets wearing #12, and quickly swapped with John Stearns for #16. He was their great young hope, the Italian Stallion (when Yankee fans used that phrase for Rick Cerone, Met fans got very upset, sort of like how Yankee fans got upset when Billy Wagner used Mario Rivera's "Enter Sandman" song when he came in from the bullpen). But we digress. One of Mets fans only happy moments in in the late 70s was Maz's great All Star game in 1979 (2 plate appearances: game tying homer in the ninth, walk-off-walk against Ron Guidry in the 10th). Other than that, Maz had only limited success, and the Mets traded Maz for Ron Darling and Walt Terrell in 1982. They then traded Walt Terrell for Howard Johnson. They then brought Maz back in 1986, though at this point Dwight Gooden was wearing #16, so Maz took #13. Maz contributed to key rallies in World Series comebacks in Game 6 and in Game 7. Maz's contribution to that Series is far greater if you credit him for part of Ron Darling and Howard Johnson's contributions, since they were acquired for Maz in the first place.
Edgardo Alfonso also wore #13. He played in the majors for the Mets from 1995 until 2001.
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Here is a list of Mets players that wore uniform number 17. * Don Zimmer (1962) * Choo Choo Coleman (1962-1963) * Larry Elliot (1964) * Dennis Ribant (1964) * Frank Lary (1964-1965) * Jimmie Schaffer (1965) * Dick Stuart (1966) * Don Bosch (1967-1968) * Ron Gaspar (1969-1970) * Ted Martinez (1970-1973) * Felix Milan (1974-1977) * Gil Flores (1978-1979) * Jerry Morales (1980) * Brian Giles (1981) * Ellis Valentine (1981-1982) * Keith Hernandez (1983-1989) * David Cone (1991-1992) * Jeff McKnight (1993) * Bret Saberhagen (1994-1995) * Brent Mayne (1996) * Luis Lopez (1997-1999) * Mike Bordick (2000) * Kevin Appier (2001) * Satoru Komiyama (2002) * Graeme Lloyd (2003) * Jason Anderson (2003) * Wilson Delgado (2004) * Dae Sung Koo (2005) * Jose Lima (2006)
There are a few players of the Mets that have worn number 36, mostly pitchers. Here's the list:
Pitchers- Sherman Jones (62*), Bob G. Miller (62*), Tracy Stallard (63-64), Dennis Musgraves (65), Jerry Koosman (67-78), Wayne Twitchell (79), Dan Boitano (81), Ed Lynch (82, 84-86), Manny Hernandez (89), Tony Castillo (91), Mike Birkbeck (95^*), Don Florence (95^*), Greg McMichael (97, 98*^, 99), Jeff Tam (98*^), Grant Roberts (00-04), Manny Aybar (05), Henry Owens (06**), Willie Collazo (07^^), Darren O'Day (09***), Ken Takahashi (09***), Manny Acosta (10), and Dale Thayer (11)
Catchers- Dave Liddell (90^), Kelly Stinnett (06**)
Shortstops- Kevin Baez (90^, 92), Tito Navarro (93)
Outfielder Chip Ambres (07^^)
*In 1962 Jones started with 36 but was dropped in May, letting Miller take it in July.
^In 1990 Liddell started with 36 but was let go in June, giving Baez it in August.
^*In 1995 Birkbeck started with 36 but left in June, giving Florence it in August
*^In 1998 McMichael wore 36 until June when Tam wore it for 13 days and then returned it to McMichael
**In 2006 Owens wore 36 for only 9 days in July and Stinnett had it for 21 days in September.
^^In 2007 Ambres had 36 for one week in July and gave it over to Collazo in September.
***In 2009 O'Day had 36 for 12 days in April and gave 36 to Takahashi that month
Both Pitchers: Whitey Ford from the New York Yankees and Hal Newhouser from his hometown the Detroit Tigers.