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Q: What player is used as a pinch runner in softball?
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Can softball batter stay in batting lineup if she uses a pinch runner?

Yes. Pinch runners can be used if a certain player is slow or if the batter is the catcher, and needs to get his/her gear on. The next time at bat the batter must stay in the lineup and bat when it is his/her turn. This is the same thing for a pinch batter.

If a pinch runner comes into a game and ends up coming around to score who gets credit for the total bases and run scored - the pinch runner or the player who reached base in the first place?

Total bases is not relevant with pinch runners. Total bases is only relevant with batters and is a statistical category used to measure a baseball player's effectiveness at the plate. So the pinch runner would be credited with 0 total bases. However, the run scored would be credited to the pinch runner.

What is the orange bag used for softball?

its used for the runner to step on at first so that they dont get in the first basemans way

What is stealing in softball?

Stealing is a term used in both baseball and softball which is when a runner on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd base leaves their base right after a pitch to try to get to the next base when the ball is not hit: either foul or fair.

What is the softball used for?

To play softball

How is softball used?

Hmmm....maybe in softball.

What is the origin of the baseball term pinch hitter?

In the game of baseball, a pinch hitter is the term given to a player that is substituted for the next scheduled hitter. The term gets its name from the phrase in a pinch, meaning the ability to do something in short order or notice.

What is the abbreviation of squeeze in softball?

A squeeze play in softball means that the batter has to bunt the ball no matter where it is because the runner from 3rd is running home. This play is usually used in a tight game situation, like if your down by one run or its tied. I hope i answered this correctly. : )

Has Matt Cain ever been a pinch runner?

Yes. The 6 foot-3-inch pitcher is an excellent athlete, so the San Francisco Giants occasionally use him a pinch runner. In a home game against the New York Mets on July 30, 2012, for instance, Cain scored a run as a pinch runner. It was the first time since pitcher Brad Hennessey accomplished the feat during the 2008 season. The Giants also have used Cain as a pinch hitter, most recently on July 19, 2012 in a post-midnight extra-inning game at Atlanta's Turner Field. He has hit six home runs during his career.

Why does first base in softball have an orange and white square?

To prevent accidents from happening if the first base man and runner collide. The runner is able to veer off by going to the orange bag and the first base man is able to catch the ball from the white part of the bag.

When is tagging used in softball?

You can tag a runner anytime but it's most important to tag a runner when it's not a force out play. When a baserunner runs to the next base without a runner behind him he must be tagged out before reaching base.

What are the differences between a softball and a baseball?

a softball is larger, and most of the time harder. a baseball is used in mens baseball, as to a softball is used in womens. hope i helped,