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Q: What player has won a Stanley cup and the Super Bowl?
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Does the super bowl get more viewers then the Stanley cup?


What cities won both the Super Bowl and Stanley Cup?

Pittsburgh 2009

Last city to win Super Bowl and Stanley cup?

PITTSBRUGH 2009! Rock on!

What NHL teams have won a super bowl?

None, because the NHL teams play to win the Stanley Cup.

Was there once a ladel that went with the Stanley Cup?

No. The Stanley Cup was created to be a trophy, not a serving bowl.

What is the Super Bowl of hockey?

The Stanley Cup Finals is played by the winner of the Eastern Conference and the winner of the Western Conference. The winner of the seven game series wins the Stanley Cup, the most coveted trophy in hockey.

What team has won the MOST championship?

most wins without a loss in world series, super bowl,stanley cup o0r nba finals

Has any city had both a super bowl and Stanley cup champ in the same year?

Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL) and Pittsburgh Penguins (NHL) in 2008-09

What is the Stanley Cup made of?

The current Stanley Cup, topped with a copy of the original bowl, is made of silver and nickel alloy.

How long does each player get to keep the Stanley cup?

Each player of the winning team of the Stanley cup gets to spend a day with the cup. After all players have spent their day with it will be passed on to the team that wins next year's Stanley Cup.

What was final Jeopardy for January 25 2010?

SPORTS CITIESIt's the only city whose teams won the Super Bowl & the Stanley Cup in the same calendar year Pittsburgh

Are there two NHL Stanley cup trophies?

There are technically three versions of the "Stanley Cup": the original 1892 bowl or Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup, the 1963 authenticated "Presentation Cup", and the 1993 "Replica Cup" at the Hall of Fame.