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same as any other player on the team

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Q: What pads do linebackers wear?
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Weight of shoulder pads?

The weight of the shoulder pads worn by professional athletes depends on the sport, and the size and position of the player. In the NFL, linebackers wear shoulder pads that can weigh as much as 6 pounds. Running backs, on the other hand, may wear pads that weigh anywhere between 3 and 5 pounds.

How do you were your skateboard pads?

i dont wear pads i ocasionally wear a helmet and i wear that on my heade but when i have to wear pads i wear them on my elbows and ocasionaly the wrist guards but they make it harder to bertslide and that.

What kinds of pads do football players wear?

They wear many.... you have your basic shoulder pads, knee pads, hip pads,thigh pads tail bone pads and your cup.

Why do boys have to wear pads in lacrosse?

They wear pads in lacrosse because they could get hurt.

Do pads hurt?

No, pads do not hurt. I wear pads and they have never ever hurt me.

Do you wear shin pads in volleyball?

No, you can wear knee pads that go on your knees to help with digging.

Is 61 a linebacker number?

Back in the day, numbers were free. But now, linebackers only get 50-59 & 90-99. Actually linebackers can wear numbers from 30 to 59 and 90-99

What knee pads Randy Orton wear?

All Purpose knee pads

How do men wear pads?

by love

Does gay men wear pads?

No they do not.

What kind of padding do ice hockey officials wear?

they wear pads, knee pads, a helmet, and a batman suit under all of this.

Do lacrosse players wear pads if so where are the pads?

Yes they do the pads are located on the shoulders like football players