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Arm Muscles, leg muscles, some back muscles

As a cheerleader, basing requires alot of strength and works your entire core.

To lift girls all the muscles in your arms, wrists, shoulders, as well as your calfs, quads, and your back. . . even your abdomen gets worked if your having a difficult time lifting.

Basing is definitely challenging on your body expecially to your arms and shoulders. I should know, I am one. . . it takes soo much strength and precision.

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15y ago

for the flier, they would use every muscle in the body to help get up into the air and maintain balance. the same goes for the bases. they need as much power as possible to lift into the air, but most of the power comes from the quads and back. as for the backspot, they would use the biceps,triceps, and back muscles to help the flier into the air.

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Q: What muscles do you use to base a cheerleading stunt?
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