Most volleyballs have three levels of construction. The first level is a rubber bladder made from the same material as a bicycle inner tube. The bladder is then attached to a cloth layer made of material similar to cheese cloth and sealed with a rubber type glue. The outer layer is made of leather and is glued to the cloth layer.
Click on the 'Volleyballs' link on this page to read about what is used to make a volleyball. There are links on the linked page to read about the construction of the ball and other aspects of a volleyball.
... a court,a volleyball,net and 2 stands.
All you need to play volleyball is a net, a court, a volleyball, 6 amazing volleyball players.! you cant go wrong with that!
a volleyball a net two teams and a umpire and a crowed and a uniform
Most volleyballs have 18 panels.
A racquet is not used for volleyball.
Knee pads and very nice shoes for jumping.
Volleyball Net Volleyball Court For clothes: Knee Pads Sometimes special volleyball shorts If you are on a team, volleyball jerseys
Material used in volleyball is sponge type.
You should wear confortable clothinq . Like shorts and a tank top . Knee pads ; of course a volleyball ; and a 6 foot net .
Spandex is an exceptionally elastic material and therefore is ideal for volleyball. The reasons for this are becuase you need to be able to move quickly in volleyball and need a lot of flexibility which other materials don't offer.