What makes football so unpopular? Well...first things first, football includes too many rules and equipment. It is also a very rough sport and is not suitable for all ages. The sport is not very affordable for everyone. Mostly men play it,because it is a dirty and rough sport...I hope this helped!
football is an organization that makes a hell lot of money, so they need football teams to make it work. :)
Because the rest of the world plays soccer.
they werent
because it was
because he was
A sport is techniocly something active and is worldwide so soccer, in England its football, everywhere else its soccer, football is football everywhere, swimming is sooo worldwide.
it's a great sport! and it is fun 2 watch!
because it is the capital of England and most of the football team are in London
Rugby is un popular in the US because of the better marketed American Football which is also a contact sport.
Other sports are more popular, and nobody really wants to care about it anywhere else.
Lauren D (Dunman) is so unpopular because she is dating Justin Bieber. A lot of people are jealous and they hate her because they aren't her. I am one of them!
bc she was