In basketball you try to throw the ball into the hoop(basket) so that is why you use a ball in basketball.
The first basketball hoop was a peach basket.
They used to use a soccer ball as the basketball and a peach basket as the basket the referee would have to climb up and get the soccer ball out of the basket each time someone scored.
A soccer ball was used for the ball and a peach basket was used as the basket.
basketball :D
Basketball gets its name, because you use the BALLto try and shoot into the BASKET. Therefore, it is called BASKETBALL.
You have to dribble and shoot it. A basket ball aslso has bumpy layers too
a basket (to put things in) is translated "un panier" in French.The sport basketball is called "basket" or "basket-ball".The French also use "basket" to name a type of sport shoes (sneakers).
ball= a rubber round ball that you use to shoot into the basket basket= a tall hole that lets the ball come through the hole net= part of the basket rim= the outside part of the basket
A Regular 1.................
The French word "basket" translates to "panier" or "corbeille" in English. It can refer to a basket used for carrying items or a receptacle used in sports like basketball.
When James Naismith invented the game, the hoop was a peach basket WITH the bottom still in it.