

What is wind attack in netball?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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12y ago

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i think your tallkin about a WING atttack. i myself am i wing attack so i can only go in one goal third and the centre third. howeva, in the goal third im not allowed in the circle. around half the time i get the centre pass and i need to hav a high fitness level cauze a wing attack and a goal attack hav the most excersize to do. there is loads of sprinting and dodging. i gr8 training warm up for a wing attack is called suicide. it is a personal favourite of mine. your trainer (if u hav one) will know wat this is. try adding an addition to the game by lying on your stomach b4 runing each time. if u r really keen (like me) try adding push ups and sit ups as well

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in the opposition's shooting third

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There are two: Goal Shooter and Goal Attack.

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through man to man attack and zone defense